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Recently, we have delved into a variety of socio-cultural, economic, and structural issues in our culture and others. It became clear to me that there is still a lack of gender equality and equality for minorities.
The causes of this are multifaceted and the perpetrators are many. My initial plan to address these "problems of humanity" through an institutional critique of the Vienna University of Technology and its outdated structures was abandoned after weeks of research. I investigated groups that oppose social progress, real democracy, and clearly all the principles of modern humanism.
I looked into right-wing extremist groups, parties, and terrorist networks in Europe and searched for connections between media houses, politicians, fake news, and right-wing ideologies, even delving into the darknet. As I read through xenophobic and extreme right-wing internet forums and encountered conspiracy ideologies, calls for violence against non-white and non-cisnormative people, I began to feel a sense of the so called “Weltschmerz”. I started to experience depression. In my own interest, I stepped back from the details of my research to gain a broader perspective. What was the core of my intellectual examination of all the topics of the module? It was the critical engagement with neoliberalism, racism, the patriarchy, new wage slaves, data security, mutual responsibility and self-care. Ultimately, these were all questions that could be linked to the concept of new humanism.
But what will it take to create a better world for all of us? Is there even hope for us as we are now? Does it require a "real" evolution of our species to rid ourselves of the inhumanity within us? What is needed to reach the next level of civilization? And how large a role does technology play in this?
As it turns out, technology plays a significant role in this.
This work, in the form of a website, now explores the idea of Transhumanism, which is seen as a possible intermediate stage in human development leading to a singularity.